Friday, November 30, 2012

Week 14 and 11/30 Homework

Fix and review Week 14 test. The total score for this test is 105. Please turn it in again on Monday with a parent signature and fixed answers.

Days have passed so fast and now it's the end of November. Soon it will be our favorite holiday month. So excited.
Here are some little reminders for what to do in Chinese class so we will have a worry-free December.

1. We always turn in Blue Writing Book on Fridays. Read planners before going to bed or before leaving home for school to make sure you didn't miss a thing.
2. We always have tests on Fridays, so remember to study. I will return the tests to you the same day. Remember to fix it and have your parents put initials on it and turn it in again on Monday.
3. We need parents' initials on our planners. You will get a warning for not having that on your planner.
4. Bring yellow flashcards on the first day we start a new lesson. I will remind you by asking you write it down on your planners, but you are responsible for bringing that to class. We do a lot of practices with the cards, so it is very important that everyone bring his own set. You will not want to lose any chances to practice with us and it's a way make sure what you do to study at home is correct.
5. If you can not find your learning materials, like books, cards or worksheet. You can  get a new one but first you have to ask (or beg?) your parents to write a note to me and pay twenty eagle bucks for new materials. Remember, it's a lesson to learn to be responsible. No one will help you take care of things like that when you leave schools in the future.
6. Anything that break class rules will add a warning to anyone who does that. And it will be no fun to get more than three warnings in a week.

Monday, November 26, 2012

11/27 Homework

1. Read L4 New Words five times
2. Bring L4 Yellow Flashcards
3. Hanlexon L4
4. Oral Quiz L4 vocabulary

11/26 Homework

1. Study: Week 14 Test
2. Blue Writing Practice Book p15-p16 (Due 11/30)

There will be an oral quiz for L4 vocabulary on Thursday. They need to be able to read each vocabulary.

Monday, November 19, 2012

11/20 Homework and a reminder for tomorrow

1. No Week 13 Test
2. Read L1-L3 Words once. (Use flashcards, Blue Writing Book or our blog to practice.)

There will be no other homework this week, so they don't need to bring Chinese planners tomorrow.
We also will have an assembly tomorrow morning, so remember to bring your mountain man paper (for English class).

(They can bring board games or other fun things to play tomorrow but we need to remind them not to bring dangerous or fragile things to share. And don't bring pets, please. There might be students allergic to animal fur. And we can not take very good care of pets at school.)

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

11/15 Homework

1. Study: week 12 test
2. Bring Blue Writing Book with p.11-p.13 fixed and a parent's initial.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

11/12 Homework

1. Review and fix Week 11 test.
2. Hanlexon 3A L3
3. Study: Week 12 test
4. Read L3 stories once

Reminder: We won't have tests in week 13.
11/13 Homework
Fix Blue Writing Book p.11-p.13 (Due 11/16)
Read L3 stories once

Thursday, November 08, 2012

11/8 Homework

1. Study L3 Word cards.
2. Week 11 test on 11/12 (Monday).
3. Bring Blue Writing Book on 11/12 (Monday). Complete pages 11-13.
4. No School on 11/9 (Friday). 

Monday, November 05, 2012

11/5 Homework

1. Study: Week 11 test. The test will be on 11/12 Monday.
2. 3A L2 Oral Quiz on 11/7. Range: Extended Practice Book p.11 p.12. As shown in the red squares below.
3. Write extended writing practice book p.11-p.13. Due is on 11/12 Monday.

Friday, November 02, 2012

11/2 Homework and Answers for Science Test today

1. Review and Fix Week 10 Tests: Both Chinese and Science
2. Hanlexon 3A L2
3. Bring 3A L3 Yellow Flashcards
4. Please bring science test on Monday. We need answer correction for Question No. 3. Thank you.
1. Rain is a gas. --- (No, it's a liquid.)
2. Ice is a solid.
3. River is groundwater. ---(No.)
4. Salt water is drinkable water. ---(No)
5. Sea water is salt water.
6. About 1 % of all states of water on the earth is glaciers. ---(No, it's about 2%.)
7. There is about 90% of water, including different states, on the globe. ---(No, it's 70%.)
8. Rain will fall on mountains and flow down to form rivers (runoff). This kind of water is fresh water.
9. The process that water vapor becomes water is called evaporation. ---(No, it's called condensation.)
10. Evaporation happens when there is an energy source that makes the temperature become higher and makes water become water vapor.
 11. The higher the temperature is, the faster water evaporates.
12. When  the gas water cools down, it will condense.
13. The water inside of plants also evaporates(transpiration).
14. When it's snowing, we call it condensation. ---(We call it precipitation.)
15. The dew on a leaf is water condensation.
16. When water comes down from clouds, it is called precipitation.
17. There are four kinds of precipitation. They are rain, snow, sleet and hail.
18. The freezing point is 32 degree F.
19. If tomorrow is 60 degree F, it might snow. ---(No. It won't snow.)
20. If tomorrow is 15 degree F, it might snow.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

Welcome to November

Welcome to November

11/1 Homework
1. Please bring Extended Writing Practice Book with pages 7-9 fixed and with a parent's initial on one page.
2. Study for Week 10 test and Science Test. (20 Yes/No questions.) We had reviewed the whole unit and practiced the test today.

We had a great Halloween yesterday. Everyone was excited about the parade, the costumes, the treats and the party!!! WooHoo.

I would like to thank all the parents who helped out for the preparation and helped at our party. Kids really really really loved it.